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What is a box with crystals? A box with crystals is a mysterious obstacle full of crystals! This box will randomly appear in your village. When the builder removes it, he will give you 25 crystals. The game will give you only one box at a time, so try to remove it as soon as possible so that the next one appears. Opponents will not be able to pick up the box during the attack. All players receive the same number of boxes, albeit at different times.
A little about the mining in the town hall and the fortress of the clan. Protect the town hall, protect resources! The contents of 1 gold deposit, 1 elixir storage and a maximum of 20% black elixir can be stored in the town hall. The number of resources that can be picked up depends on the level of the town hall (the higher the level, the more fit). Therefore, the goblins will do double damage to the town halls and the fortresses of the clans, regarding them as a source of resources, but there is a difference:
- To the town hall and the fortress gave resources, they must be completely destroyed.
- They have no spell immunity.
What are training levels? It’s hard to learn, easy in battle! If you click the "Into the battle!" and select the mode "Training", you can practice, passing training levels. These levels open as the town hall improves. They demonstrate the capabilities of various warriors at each level of the town hall. When you choose a training level, step-by-step training begins.
During training, hints appear on the screen as to when and what warriors, heroes, or spells should be used, and the game is paused so that you can perform the desired action. You can always turn the prompts off or on again using the buttons in the lower left corner of the screen. At any time, you can repeat the training level to refresh your strategy or improve the result.
The head of our clan is never online . If the head of the clan does not appear in the Clash of Clans 60 days or more, it will lead to the re-election of the head of the clan. In order for the process of re-election of the head of a clan to begin, it is necessary that the head of the clan take the place of the head for at least 90 days and not be active for at least 60 days. If the head of the clan does not show any activity for 90 days, the title of the head of the clan will go to the co-director or elder. The head of the clan will have 30 days to return to the game before the role of the head is transferred to someone else. To stop the process of re-election, the head of the clan need only enter the game.
The role of the head of the clan will go to the next in rank of the active member of the clan, consisting in the clan longer than others. A player who has recently appeared in the Clash of Clans in the status of elder or higher may claim the role of a new clan leader. Messages about the re-election process will be sent to all clan members by clan mail and displayed on the Inbox tab.
Possible reasons why re-election of the head of the clan does not begin:
- The head of the clan was active for 60 days;
- The head of the clan is the head of the clan less than 90 days;
- There are no co-leaders or elders who can be promoted to the role of head of a clan.
If re-election in your clan is impossible, then it makes sense to find another clan or create a new one. You can contact clan members in a clan chat and send them an offer to be friends in the game. So you can invite them to the new clan and start over.
Try to contact the head of the clan through the social network, if you have not already done so. If you have the opportunity to get in touch with the head, you can tell him that your clan needs help. The head of the clan may voluntarily transfer control of the clan to another player, for this he will need to enter the game and promote another member to the role of head of the clan. The clan leader will not be able to leave the clan until a new chapter is selected.
Shields: How do they work? When the shield in your village is active, other players cannot attack you. You can get a shield by buying it for crystals in the store, or by taking damage after an attack. The more damage your village inflicts, the longer the effect of the shield. The rules for getting a shield differ depending on your Trophy League. However, you can get a shield only if the player who attacked your village releases at least 1/3 of all troops (calculated according to your level of the town hall).
What can remove my shield? Start an attack in multiplayer mode and issue troops or spells. Attack under the shield will cost you 3 hours of the shield, and with each subsequent attack, this figure will grow. With each new shield, the cost of the attack is updated. You can also manually remove your shield if you want. You can take part in the Clan Wars, in the League of Clan Wars, play in the single-player campaign and launch attacks in the Builder’s Village, without the danger of losing your shield.
What kind of shield can I get after the defense? The duration of the shield obtained after the defeat depends on the percentage of destruction and on the league in which you are located. However, you can get a shield only if the player who attacked your village releases at least 1/3 of all troops (calculated according to your level of the town hall).
Rules for obtaining a shield for the Bronze, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Master League and the Champion League :
- For 30% of destruction, you will receive a shield for 12 hours.
- For 60% of the destruction, you get a shield for 14 hours.
- Over 90% of the destruction, you get a shield for 16 hours.
Rules for obtaining a shield for the Titanium League :
Titan I.
- For 30% of the destruction, you get a shield for 11 hours.
- For 60% of the destruction, you get a shield for 13 hours.
- Over 90% of the destruction, you get a shield for 15 hours.
Titan II.
- For 30% of the destruction, you get a shield for 10 hours.
- For 60% of the destruction, you get a shield for 12 hours.
- Over 90% of the destruction, you get a shield for 14 hours.
Titan III.
- For 30% of destruction, you will receive a shield for 9 hours.
- For 60% of the destruction, you get a shield for 11 hours.
- Over 90% of the destruction, you get a shield for 13 hours.
Rules for obtaining a shield in the Legend League : these rules apply to players in the Legend League who have not registered and do not participate in the daily selection in this league.
- For 30% of the destruction, you get a shield for 8 hours.
- For 60% of the destruction, you get a shield for 10 hours.
- Over 90% of the destruction, you get a shield for 12 hours.
If you did not receive a shield after a defeat, you will receive a defense that will be with you from 30 minutes to 4 hours, depending on the level of the league. On the other hand, you can get a shield, even withstanding the defense!
Why can not I find opponents? I’m on the screen for selecting opponents, nothing happens. During the selection of opponents in his native village on the screen will display the clouds. You can attack only the villages in which the shield or defense is not activated, and the number of trophies scored by their leaders and the level of the town hall are close to yours. If a shield or defense is activated in all villages with such a trophy level and a town hall level, the game will not be able to match your opponent. As a result, you can "get stuck in the clouds" for a while. It may even last long enough if you have a large number of trophies, since the number of your potential opponents will be lower.
Although usually high level players encounter such a problem, game updates and game events can lead to an increase in the time of picking opponents for players with fewer trophies. During such periods in Clash of Clans, there is an influx of players, so shields and defenses are activated in more villages, which affects players with fewer trophies. Most of the leaders do not have difficulties with the selection of opponents, but players of the highest rank often face this problem. Developers are trying to find a solution, but they also need to make sure that this decision does not adversely affect the other players.
My global chat in a foreign language. The settings of the area (and language in the global chat) of each player depend on where he was when he created his village. You can check the list of local leaders to see if the settings are correct. If they are wrong, then you probably created a village while you were abroad. In some cases, different countries or language groups share one server. Therefore, you can see in the chat language other than your own, even if the region settings are set correctly.
How does an earthquake spell work? The main purpose of the earthquake spell is to weaken buildings and tear down walls. Four earthquake spells will destroy a wall of any level, but to destroy the building with the help of earthquake spells alone will not work. In the case of buildings, the percentage of damage from an earthquake spell is determined by the level of the spell.
For example, a level 1 earthquake spell takes 14% of total health points from buildings, and a level 5 earthquake spell takes 29%. Therefore, the more health points the building has, the greater the damage from the spell. But since the damage done is always a percentage of the remaining points of health, it is impossible to destroy a building using only earthquake spells. Thus, this spell should be used to weaken the defenses, and not to destroy them. Improving a spell increases its radius, damage percentage, and cost and preparation time.