Mobile Legends: Beginners Tips You Need To Know

mobile legends, ml, bang bang, beginners guides, tips for beginners, moba, android games, iOs games, Mobile Legends is a go-to mobile game for MOBA lo

Mobile Legends: Brawl Mode

There are situations that you can't control, and fast-playing games are one of them. However, Mobile Legends gives a mode that can let you win much faster than before! This Tips will proceed to tell you how to play Brawl Mode.
Select your hero. You will, however, have the choice to have 2 heroes via from your owned heroes, or via Free/Starlight Free Heroes. You don't have to choose wisely for this mode, since it's a quick game!
If you don't like the heroes you have, you can refresh for free and get a new hero. Subsequent refreshes require diamonds.
Begin the game! When the game begins, your hero will automatically be upgraded to Level 3 and your equipment coins are up to 1200. You will have to do the necessary preparations before reaching the battlefield.
You can't buy your equipment once you exit the spawn point, so be extra careful about what you need!
Level up quickly! In Brawl Mode, you should take advantage of a kickstart into your hero's level. Always kill the enemy's minions to push the only lane in the game. This will take some advantage of other heroes as well.
Gank in the bushes. Ganking is a way to join a team and fight quickly and suddenly against the enemies. Make it a surprise for the enemy, like Odette's ultimate or Gord's 1st skill.
Use the barrel. In Brawl Mode, there is a Barrel that you can use in the game. Take it when it appears, so you can make a simple ambush or a way to move faster in the game.
  • You can also see 2 creeps on each side to give you a gold bonus and shield, and 2 healing runes that can heal you constantly and earn HP for the entire team inside the rune's power. You can take advantage of these areas when needed.
Take the advantage of using Flicker. Even if you don't have Flicker, this is more of a practice where you'll try to do your battles well. Try using Flicker as a way to interrupt the enemies retreating or when you need to retreat faster.
Buy certain equipment. Again, you won't be able to get your equipment quickly while in battle, so certain items can help you while you're down.
  • Try buying healing items, including Guardian Helmet or Oracle or improving Spell Vamp via Bloodlust Axe.
  • If your more of a Marksman/Fighter/Assassin, try buying Blade of Despair, Rose Gold Meteor, Scarlet Phantom, or Wind of Nature.
  • Mage/Support heroes can use Necklace for Durance (can be used more on Uranus or spell vamp heroes), Ice Queen Wand, Concentration Energy, or Fleeting Time.
  • Tanks can use Thunder-Bolt, Cursed Helmet, or Athena's Shield.
Wipe the team out! Try to use your skills and battle it out well! Once the enemy has all 5 heroes killed, destroy the turrets to win the game! There's not much time, but avoid getting the creeps and go for the objective.
Once you finish the base turret, you can relax and enjoy your victory!


Some heroes can be OP in Brawl and can end the game quickly if used correctly. You should select them based on your team. This includes Pharsa, Estes, Gord, Layla, Bane, Yve, Vexana, Miya, and Vale.
Try putting Revitalize as your battle spell. This is helpful (if you don't have Estes or a healer), but will only heal a small amount. You should be able to kill a creep, if possible.

Mobile Legends: Practice Mode

How to Play Practice Mode in Mobile Legends

Sometimes, there will be the case you want to practice a new hero that you purchased, or you want to try out your skills into getting a Savage killing streak on bots. This post will give you a guide that can let you play Practice Mode on Mobile Legends!

Beginning the Mode

Open Practice Mode. You can open Practice Mode by tapping on the center of your screen, and by pressing on Training Camp. There will be a "Practice" box, click on it.

Choose your hero. You can select any hero that is available, from owned heroes to free heroes. Once you want to lock your selection, click on Okay.

Adjust the hero’s skin, emblem, battle spell, or equipment. Once adjusted, click on Pick Your Opponent.

Do the same for the opponent bot. Once ready, click on Start, and the battlefield will load.

Adjust the Settings

Click on the Arrow circle. This will open a section of settings that can be used during Practice Mode. You will see four sections, including Allied Hero, Enemy Heroes, Summon Timber, and Common.

Adjust the opponent's equipment coins and level. You can adjust your level and gold by clicking on the explained buttons below, alongside no cooldown and immunity:
  • Upgrade: Your hero/opponent will be upgraded one level (up to Level 15).
  • Max Level: Your hero/opponent will automatically be at level 15.
  • Reset Level: Your hero/opponent will go back to level 1 and goes back to base.
  • Add Gold: 2000 Gold is given.
  • No CD: You earn a short cooldown on your skills and battle spells.
  • God Mode: Your hero/enemy will be immune from any damage (including turret damage).
  • Add Gold for Roaming: You earn 300 Gold to the roaming progress (up to 1500) with roaming equipment.
  • Turn On AI: The opponent will start moving. (Easy AI/Normal AI/Hard AI can adjust the difficulty on the opponent when activated)
Insert bots. For the bots, you can either click on Normal Bot, Damage Bot, Patrolling Bot, or Friendly Bot. The bot will stay where they are, with the exclusion of Patrolling Bot. To remove the bots, click on Remove Bot. The options on the type of bot are explained below:
  • Normal Bot: A enemy Layla spawns wherever you are. The bot does not attack and can easily be damaged.
  • Damage Bot: The bot spawns a high-HP Zillong along with damage stats. This is helpful if you need to experiment with equipment or skill damage.
  • Patrolling Bot: The bot will move from its spawn point and walk in a triangle near the Sanctuary Lord.
  • Friendly Bot: The bot is similar to a Normal Bot, but the bot is on your side.
  • All bots will have your equipment (if you have any) by default.
Close the minion lanes. To close the lanes, click on Close Lane. This measure can force minions to not spawn in the mid-lanes until the action is redone. The 5-second warning before minions are spawn can be heard to reaffirm.

Respawn to the creeps. If you need to continuously spawn the Sanctuary Lord on your side or to reset the cooldown of the purple/orange buffs, click on the Creeps button. All creeps will respawn immediately.

Close the mode when done. To leave Practice Mode, click on the Leave Button, or go to the settings and select the Quit Button (then click on Quit again).

Mobile Legends: Fast way to Rank ML

Here's a quick way to rank up in Mobile Legends, which is guaranteed for you to reach Mythic easily. Maybe it will be very useful for those of you who already want to climb the rank quickly.

Of course, there are several ways that you can quickly rank up in Mobile Legends. So, here we will discuss in full how to quickly rank mobile legends so that you can reach Mythic ML quickly.
The Best Way to Rank Mobile Legends (ML) Fast to Mythic!

Use Hero Meta

Meta heroes are very important so that you can easily win in matches. Of course, in every Mobile Legends update, there will be several heroes who get buffs and nerfs.

Now the hero who gets the buff has the opportunity to be used as a meta hero and has the advantage to calm the match.

Some meta heroes that you can use at this rank include Khufra, Ling, Natalia, Lancelot, Uranus, and many others.

Play at the Right Time

One of the tricks to quickly rank up or rank up in Mobile Legends (ML) is not to play during peak hours. There is the most suitable time to play ranked in Mobile Legends.

Playing mobile legends is easier to rank up in the morning or evening. In the morning you will not find a boy player when playing Mobile Legends. So, when is the best time to push solo rank ML, and can be applied to the squad too.

Meanwhile, another suitable time is at night when many pro players play. Even though you have strong opponents, you also have a balanced team. Moreover, all players have mature characteristics so there is no need to worry about AFK players, being selfish and others.

Learn Mapping

The next Quick Way to Rank Mobile Legends is mapping. Map or maps in the game are very important for the continuity of the game. By using the map, we will know that our team is roaming or starting a team fight. That way comes to a collaboration that you can adjust.

So that it is easy for you to monitor your team. There needs to be a mapping so that you can see from afar how the war conditions in Mobile Legends are. This is very important but often forgotten.

The way to do the mapping itself is quite easy, namely by sliding the screen in the specified direction, the screen display will move properly and you can see other teams.

Use mapping to monitor the condition of all players competing so you will get many opportunities to make preparations before the team fight begins.

Pay attention to the composition of the team to increase the ML rank

Generally, in the Mobile Legends game, there must be early game and late game heroes and there must be support, tanks, and carry, these three conditions are the main things so that the team composition can be balanced.

You can use hero mages to be supported, while for tanks you can use heroes with strong defense, so for carrying, you can use assassin or marksman heroes.

Of course, each role does not only have the same task, you can also use marksman as support, or assassin as support. Hero fighter can also be used as a tanker and hero tanker you can use as an offlaner. It depends on the conditions and meta you are using.

Don't Be Selfish in Choosing Hero Mobile Legends

Right now the main problem that you are still at a low rank is selfishness. Selfishness can certainly spoil the game.

In this case, for example, when you pick a hero. Many of them want to play using marksman only. Even though we have already explained that the composition of the hero in the team is very important.

Therefore, don't play selfishly, you can play by applying the hero counter system, like the following.

Understand the Counter Hero System

In MOBA games that hone strategy, of course, there will be a Counter hero system for each hero you use.

For example, when the enemy uses a meta hero, you can use the hero counter from the hero. In this case, it is quite important because every hero in Mobile Legends must have its weaknesses.

For example, when the enemy picks Natalia's hero, you can use Saber or Rafaela which is a direct counter from the hero. Now, for information on your hero counter, you can find the complete info on my Esports!

Play Solo Too Often

The next way to quickly rank up in Mobile Legends is Don't play solo too often, otherwise, it will be difficult for you to reach a high rank in Mobile Legends. Maybe if only from warriors until you can still play solo. But at ranks like Epic and above it will be quite difficult with a system like this.

The best step for you is to play together with friends or maybe a pro player in Mobile Legends. Playing with people who are already smart in playing Mobile Legends is one of the right ways for you to do it.

Never Do Surrender!

Make sure that no matter how bad your team's situation is, don't give up even under pressure.

In the Mobile Legends game, there is the term Epic Comeback which is in a state of stress and even when there is only one turret left, you can make an epic comeback.

Don't give up until the end and make sure to fight as hard as you can. That way, you can just find an opening to make an epic comeback when your enemy's game is depressed and also unruly.

Learn from mistakes

Always pay attention to games when you lose or are underperforming. You can learn what can be improved for the next game.

Learn From the Pros

You can also learn how pro players play. Starting from macro, micro, and at least game sense is important for you to absorb when playing later.

So that's the Quick Way to Rank Mobile Legends. Hopefully, the above method can be useful, especially for those of you who are Mobile Legends players.

Mobile Legends: Tips to Increase Skill in 2022

If you are a novice player of MLBB, you really must read this article to find out 5 tips to increase skills in Mobile Legends for beginners in 2022.

Mobile Legends Bang Bang, like most MOBAs, comes with a steep learning curve. While players are provided with tutorials on various aspects after installation, it barely covers some of the important aspects of the gameplay. For those of you who want to be a pro in Mobile Legends for beginners in MOBA, it seems almost impossible.
The only way to work towards improvement in Mobile Legends Bang Bang is to ensure the best basic knowledge and strategy. This article will guide you through some of them to help start your MLBB journey on the right track.

How to Upgrade Mobile Legends Skills For Beginners

Mobile Legends has multiple characters, game modes, and maps which means it requires some knowledge of all of these elements and insight gained with experience.

Since providing all of that is not possible in one post, the list provided is intended to help you get on the right path to improving performance in this MOBA game.

Use Talent Emblems Effectively

Emblems can be given to heroes before the battle. There are nine types of emblems such as Assassin, Magic, and Support, and all of them provide buffs that are relevant to the hero used. This emblem can be customized to better suit the hero used.

Many players shy away from investing in Emblem upgrades and this can cost them the match because even with amazing heroes and teams, you won't be able to get your full in-game score.

Understand Your Hero's Role

One way to increase skills in Mobile Legends for beginners is to understand the role of the hero you are using. Each hero in Mobile Legends Bang Bang has a different role.

This refers to the roles you will take on in battle, and understanding what each role in the game translates to will help players communicate effectively with the team and also perform better.

MM on Mid Lane won't be able to add any significant utility, nor will Mage on EXP Lane be a less than ideal combo, so you'll have to make these considerations according to the following chart:
  • Mage: Middle Lane
  • Assassins: Jungle
  • Tanks/Supports: As per team requirement
  • Marksmen: Gold Lane
  • Fighters: EXP Lane

Use Combo Items 

Mobile Legends Bang Bang game has a smaller inventory of items than most MOBAs, effective combos of most items can provide large in-game buffs.

The clock of Destiny (increases maximum Mana) and Lightning Truncheon (increases DMG according to the player's maximum Mana), for example, can be paired to increase the player's Mana and then gain additional benefits by increasing the damage rating for the hero.

Seeing what each item does can help players create their own combos to suit your playstyle.

Understand the Enemy Team and Strategy

This is a habit that should be developed when you start playing Mobile Legends Bang Bang. Before the battle begins, there is a short window where players can see the enemy team as well as add utilities.

During this period of time, if you see an enemy focused on dealing, say Magic Damage, you can counter your strategy by adding a Magic Defense charm.

On the other hand, if the enemy activates Magic Damage, dealing Magic PEN to the Mage will allow you to break through enemy lines.

Get to know MLBB heroes

Getting to know MLBB heroes is one of the easiest ways to increase skills in Mobile Legends for beginners. These tips will seem obvious to players but it should be noted that every hero in Mobile Legends Bang Bang has a wide utility.
Full knowledge of all abilities will allow players to perform optimally. You have to pick up as many heroes as you can to spin around the Training Ground and understand how to use your abilities against different types of enemies.

This will also help you get a better idea of how to play against the heroes on the enemy team.

Well, those were some ways to increase skills in Mobile Legends for beginners. Don't let yourself become a burden on the team.

Mobile Legends Beginners Tips in 2022

Mobile Legends is a go-to mobile game for MOBA lovers. These tips should help beginners get started on their journey.

More commonly known as MLBB, Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is currently one of the biggest mobile games. The gameplay is similar to the League of Legends. Although, of course, because it is simplified for mobile, there are a lot of key differences.

MLBB can be easily grasped by MOBA veterans but can be overwhelming for new gamers of this genre. After five years, the game has changed a lot and newbies may find themselves lost between the various kinds of heroes. But worry not. Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is simple enough once players master the basics.

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang continuously comes up with new updates that may completely alter the gameplay. For instance, a few years back, the “meta” was mid-lane Marksmen, but as of now, the middle route is handled by Mages. The biggest change, by far, is the alteration of roaming and jungling methods. These changes may seem confusing at first, but they're actually quite easy to get used to. For players who just started out with Mobile Legends, this list has been updated to summarize some more of the most important things they need to know about the game.


Understand Minion Lanes

Previously, Minion Lanes in Mobile Legends didn't have any particular difference from others. However, now there are two different routes that contain different resource bonuses. These Lanes are called the Gold and EXP Lane. The EXP Lane always coincides with the initial Turtle Lane, and Siege Minions in this lane will grant 50% extra EXP.

Meanwhile, Gold Lane has a 50% Gold bonus. Typically, Marksmen and a Tank/Support will go to the Gold Lane while the EXP one is protected by a solo Fighter.


Beware Of Enhanced Minions

When the game first starts, the Minions will be weak and easy to kill. They get stronger as the match goes on, but these enemies are squishy even then. However, they do have an enhanced form, which players can easily notice by their significantly larger size. Of course, in this state, they are both stronger and can take more hits before going down. These Minions can easily overwhelm units that have a long skill cool down.

To get these Super Minions, players have to destroy the opponent's Base Turret (the Tower near the Base). Additionally, if someone kills the Lord, the allied Minions will be enhanced for one wave.


Remember It's A Tower Game

Mobile Legends has a scoring system to determine the MVP of the match. Currently, this system highly favors ADC units that can kill a lot of enemies. This may cause some people to get obsessed with overkilling. Unfortunately, MLBB is essentially a Tower game, so if players want to win, they should remember to destroy the enemy's Turret and push for the Base.

Of course, it's very easy to get lost in chasing enemies. However, in the long run, doing so will greatly hurt the team's pushing progress.


Hitting Turret Can Grants Gold

In the first five minutes of the game, if players are handling a Lane, it's important to remember that the protected Turret will grant Gold if it's damaged. Players will gain one Gold for every 10 damage and can earn up to 500 Gold this way. So if players manage to make the opponent retreat, don't forget to take the opportunity to hit the Tower.

Remember not to be pushy, though. Heroes around the Turret's AoE will receive 15% less damage, so approach the enemy with caution.


Emblem Talent Can Make A Huge Difference

Similar to Held Items in Pokemon Unite, Mobile Legends has Emblems that can be assigned to a hero before the battle begins. In total, there are nine types of Emblems. Each of them can be upgraded to level 60.

The most important part of Emblem is that players can customize each Emblem to best fit a hero and their play style. Furthermore, each of them also has special talents to choose from. For Physical and Magic Emblems, there are two special talents, while the other seven have three. Knowing which hero needs which talent will help players' journey in the Land of Dawn.

Level Up To Unlock Battle Spells

For new players, most of the Battle Spells will be locked. The last Battle Spell, Vengeance, can be unlocked at level 23. However, two of the most popular Spells, Flameshot and Flicker are unlocked at levels 17 and 19 respectively.

Flicker is used to instantly teleport a short distance. This is crucial for both chasing and running. Meanwhile, Flameshot can snipe an enemy far away and push the opponents if they are too close to the hero. To level up quickly, players can use an item to double the received EXP.

The Turtle And The Lord

There are two large monsters Mobile Legends players need to know; Turtle and Lord.


  • Appears after three minutes and leaves after seven minutes of game time
  • Killing the Turtle grants a Turtle buff to the killer


  • Appears after nine minutes of game time
  • The Lord will fight alongside the killer's team, opening a chance to push the opponents' Tower

Killing both the Turtle and the Lord rewards EXP and Gold for the whole team. However, these monsters aren't easy to kill. So players should call their teammates to defeat the bosses together.

The Buffs And The Creeps

Just like a typical MOBA, Mobile Legends has several buffs the players can utilize. The first two are commonly called the Blue and Red buff.

  • Blue buff grants cooldown and Mana cost reduction
  • Red buff can slow the enemy while dealing extra damage
  • Some heroes can benefit greatly from these buffs while others don't need them at all. Therefore, players should let the heroes that need the buff take it. Other than that, two other creeps grant a smaller buff; The Crab and Lithowanderer.
  • Gold buff, granted by the Crab, yields 10 Gold every 3s to the killer

Killing Lithowanderer spawns a Walkie Grass, which will follow the killer, restoring 1% Mana every second to nearby allied heroes

Know Your Role

There are six roles available in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. Each of these roles has a lane they perform best in:

  • Mages generally take the Middle Lane, where they can easily help both Top and Bottom Lane
  • Marksmen highly rely on equipment, so they need to take the Gold Lane
  • Fighters need the EXP Lane to level up quickly
  • Assassins mostly camp in the Jungle
  • Tanks and Supports have to roam around the map to help their teammates

Knowing the roles will immensely increase the team's synergy, allowing gamers to win easier.

Counter Enemy's Equipment

Throughout each match, players can check everyone's equipment. This may seem overwhelming for beginners, but it's a crucial habit to have. In Mobile Legends, there are three types of damage; Magic, Physical, and True Damage. Each of these has a counter of its own.

For example, if most of the enemies are Magical heroes, then Magic Defense will significantly increase survivability. On the other hand, if an enemy uses Magic Defense, a Mage can buy equipment with Magic PEN. This allows them to disregard the opponent's defense.

Don't Underestimate Equipment Combo

There isn't as much equipment in MLBB compared to other MOBA. However, new players shouldn't underestimate them. There are some items that work together greatly.

Let's take these magic items for example:

  • The clock of Destiny increases the hero's maximum Mana
  • Lightning Truncheon deals damage that scales with the hero's maximum Mana

If the two are paired together, Lightning Truncheon will deal massive damage, allowing Mages to one-hit squishy heroes. There are a lot of other combos that players can try out. Knowing what each piece of equipment does is one of the most crucial abilities to succeed in the game.

Utilize Your hero's Skills Properly

Before using a hero in an actual match, gamers are advised to first read the hero's skills. If reading is too much trouble, players can also utilize the Training Ground to try the heroes out. To access it, open the Training Camp and choose Practice.

Some skills are lock-on skills, which means they will surely hit the enemy without the need to aim. While some others require players to strategically direct their hit to ensure maximum impact. The ability to predict an enemy's movement will greatly help here.

Understand What Roam And Jungle Is

In the recent updates, Mobile Legends: Bang Bang faces a tremendous change in the gameplay. Now, there's a large distinction between Roaming heroes and Junglers. Roam and Jungle equipment are both integrated into the boots.


  • The hero won't get Gold and EXP from creeps/minions for the first nine minutes if there are allies nearby
  • Instead, Gold and EXP will be granted to the ally with the lowest amount
  • There should only be one Roam item in each team
  • Usually used by Tanks and Supports


  • Provides 25% more Gold and EXP for killing creeps
  • Reduce 50% of Gold and EXP gained from killing minions
  • Only can be bought if the hero uses the Battle Spell, Retribution
  • There can be multiple Junglers in the team, although not recommended
  • Usually utilized by Assassin, Fighters, and Marksmen

Beware Of Microtransaction

Not gameplay-related, but new players should be aware of Microtransaction in Mobile Legends. This business model is applied to the game for various cosmetics; emotes, recall effects, avatar borders, skins, and so on.

Every hero in the game has several skins players can get. Most can be bought through the store, but some of them involve Gacha. For example, for Collector skins, the accumulated Microtransaction amasses around 5000 diamonds. Unless players are ready to pay 100$ for skin, they should steer clear of this predatory feature.

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is available on Android and iOS.

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